Disclosure Statement


*Stewart Insurance (Christchurch) Ltd (FSP722291) trading as Elevate Financial Aotearoa (also referred to as we, our or us in this statement), is a Financial Advice Provider (FAP) licensed and regulated by the Financial Markets Authority to provide financial advice. We engage an Authorised Body Insurance South Ltd (FSP722272) trading as Elevate Financial Aotearoa.


Areas we can provide you with advice:

The following are the areas of investment and personal or business risk insurance that we can provide.

 Life Insurance                                                       Income Protection/Mortgage Protection Insurance

Trauma/Living Insurance                                   Health/Medical Insurance

Total Permanent Disability                                Investments

Business/Company Insurance                           KiwiSaver/Superannuation Schemes

UK Pension Transfers – only use Britannia Financial Services Ltd             

 We source insurance products from the following insurance companies:

AIA                                                          NIB

Asteron Life                                          Cigna

Fidelity                                                  Partner’s Life


We use the following Investment providers:

Integral Master Trust                         Select Wealth Management

ANZ                                                       Booster

Britannia Financial Services Ltd       Fisher Funds

Milford Asset Management


Our duties and obligations to you

Elevate Financial Aotearoa* and anyone who gives financial advice on our behalf, have duties under the Financial Markets Conduct Authority Act 2013 relating to the way that we give advice. We are required to:


  • Give priority to your interests

  • by taking all reasonable steps to make sure our advice is not materially influenced by our own interests

  • Ensure you understand the nature and Scope of Service you ask me to provide

  • Listen to your needs, concerns, preferences and to treat you fairly and with respect.

  • Provide a service and advice that is relevant to this Scope of Service and suitable to your circumstances and needs.

  • Act with integrity and give priority to your interests and give advice not influenced by my own interests.

  • Ensure you understand my advice and recommendations and any associated risk.

  • Exercise care, diligence, and skill in providing you with advice

  • Meet standards of competence, knowledge and skill set by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services

  • Keep you informed along the way and communicate, timely, clear, and effective manner.


 How we are paid

Fees and expenses:

We may charge a fee for the financial advice that is provided to you. The fee charged will depend on the nature of the financial advice and service that we provide and would be negotiated and agreed to prior to engagement.


The exact fees  we will charge will be confirmed prior to commencing transfer and/or Investment.


We may receive a commission from certain product providers upon business being placed or retained with that provider. The value of the commission Stewart Insurance Christchurch Ltd receives depends on what agreement is in place with a provider. Any commission we receive from a particular product provider will be fully disclosed before we give you financial advice.


 Complaints and Disputes:

If you are not satisfied with our service or financial advice, please tell us as soon as possible.

Call: 03 354 4650

Email: office@efal.co.nz

Write to: PO Box 20171, Bishopdale, Christchurch 8543

 When we receive a complaint:

  • We will consider your complaint and let you know how we intend to resolve it. Where possible, we try to resolve your complaint immediately.

  • If we are unable to resolve your complaint immediately, we will acknowledge your complaint within 2 business days. We may contact you to get further information about your complaint.

  • We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days of receiving them. If we need more time to investigate your complaint, we will let you know when you can expect to receive a response to your complaint

  • We will contact you by phone, email or letter to let you know whether we can resolve your complaint and how we propose to do so.


If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue, or if you decide not to use our internal complaints process, you can contact our external disputes resolution scheme. Financial Disputes Resolution Services (FDRS) provides a free and independent dispute resolution service that may help to resolve your complaint if we have not been able to do so to your satisfaction.


To contact  Financial Disputes Resolution Services (FDRS)

Address:                Freepost 231075    PO Box 2272      Wellington 6140

Free Phone:          0508 337 337

E-mail:                    enquiries@fdrs.org.nz              

Website:                www.fdrs.org.nz


 You can contact us at:

Address: 227 Main North Road, Redwood,

PO Box 20171 Bishopdale, Christchurch.

Phone: 03 354 4650

Email: office@efal.co.nz